- Gems: If your inventory is full you can synthesize it some (just level.2) and convert it to HP Gem if you have gold to do so. Do not open Lv1-3 or Lv1-5 Gem yet.
- Crystal Shard and Will Crystal Shard: This item need to saved too, because it will have an event too
- Soul Crystal and Soul Seal: This item I used some, because it just spent a little amount of it (my lv.11)
- Mount Training Whip adn Mount Hoof
- Fate Stone and Bead of Influence: This item not recommended to save because we don't have much of it, but I also save it. It not necessary to use it now.
- Mysterious Stone and Rune Stone: Save or use is depend you are decide to use your current Rune or you want to keep it for exchange on event to get the new one.
- Mahra and Sylph Sepulcrum: Mahra you can you some for upgrade your sylph to get Green (it less than 15) or blue (less than or equal 150, maybe not use it a lot too).
- Sylph Equipment.
- ..... it maybe more item because at this level we don't have it yet.
World Boss Gold Bonus
Dot not use world boss gold bonus when it not really necessary, because it really safe to keep it in mail with 30 Days to Expire. ***But if you click to view the gold then it will keep in your mail only 3 Days***
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